The Place of Salat
The place where a person prays his Salat must have the following conditions:
- Mubah (not Ghasbi).
- It must be stationary – for example, it should not be a moving vehicle.
- The place must not be too narrow, as well, the ceiling must not be so low so that the person is unable to perform the Qiyam, Ruku’, and Sujud in the proper way.
- The place where one puts his forehead for Sajdah must be Tahir.
- If the place of prayer is Najis, it must not be so wet that it transfers the Najasat to the body or the clothing.
- The place where one puts his forehead (in Sajdah) must not be more than the amount of four closed fingers lower or higher than the feet, but if the ground is sloped a little bit, it is not a problem.
- According to Ihtiyat Wajib, women must stand behind men in Salat.